Little Brother “Had It Coming,” Claims Older Brother

Reno, NV — Local older brother, Kenny Smith, claims that his little brother, Timmy, “had it coming.” According to John, Timmy has been purposely and unnecessarily annoying him for years.

“It’s the little things that get to me,” said Kenny. “Like how he always leaves his dirty socks on the living room floor, or how he borrows my stuff without asking and then loses it.”

But it’s not just the messes and lost items getting to Kenny.

“Timmy also has this annoying habit of following me around and asking me a million questions,” he exclaimed. “I can’t even go to the bathroom in peace!”

Despite the constant annoyance, Kenny has found a way to cope with his pesky little brother.

“I’ve learned to tune him out and focus on my things,” he said. “I also try to remember that he’s just a kid and probably doesn’t even realize he’s being annoying.”

While some may see Kenny’s complaints as trivial, he insists that the little things add up and can drive a person crazy.

“I love Timmy, but sometimes I just need a break from his constant annoyance,” he said. “But overall, I know he’s just a kid, and he’ll grow out of it.”

Kenny has even written poetry to cope with his little brother’s annoying habits. His latest creation, entitled “The Annoying Little Brother,” is written in the style of the beloved children’s author, Dr. Seuss.

The Annoying Little Brother

My little brother's name is Timmy,
He's quite the pain. It's slimy and slimy.
He follows me around like a shadow,
Asking questions like "Can I borrow?"

His dirty socks always on the floor,
I'm about to lose it. I'll let out a roar!
He takes my stuff and loses it,
Making me say, "Where is it?"

He's always in my face,
I need some personal space!
Even when I'm taking a pee,
He's still talking, can't you see?

I love him, don't get me wrong,
But Timmy, please, sing another song

Despite the constant annoyance, John has found a way to cope with his pesky little brother.

“I’ve learned to tune him out and focus on my things,” he said. “I also try to remember that he’s just a kid and probably doesn’t even realize he’s being annoying.”

While some may see John’s complaints as trivial, he insists that the little things add up and can drive a person crazy.

“I love Timmy, but sometimes I just need a break from his constant annoyance,” he said. “But overall, I know he’s just a kid, and he’ll grow out of it.”

In the meantime, older brothers everywhere can relate to John’s struggles and offer their coping mechanisms to deal with the annoyance caused by their little brothers.

Loretta Splitair
Loretta Splitair
Loretta Splitair is Fazzler's Media and Cultural Editor. She has written widely including publications such as Rolling Stone, The Atlantic and the Lady's Home Journal where she hosts a regular column on the ravages of Billy Joel's music entitled, Billy Joel is a Piece of Shit. Loretta is married to her second husband after her first died protesting railway expansion in Kansas. Please do not ask her about it.

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