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New York, NY — Throwing their hat into Caravan craze, childhood heroes the Muppets announced plans to march towards Sesame Street because apparently no one knows how to get there anymore.

Approximately 20 Muppets are participating in what they are calling Million Muppet March, which spokesperson Miss Piggy says should last about week. This march will take the beloved characters on a path from Washington D.C. to Sesame Street located somewhere in the greater New York City area. The caravan started their journey about two days ago and waited until now to announce their campaign.

“I am a pig, and as a pig, I have always stood out,” said Miss Piggy speaking of her role in the group. “We wanted to get ahead of this caravan trend. For decades millions of people have sung our theme song, and have no idea where Sesame Street really is. We’re going to fix that.”

When asked what she thought of criticism of their march, Miss Piggy grew indignant.

“I don’t care what you think of me, unless you think I’m awesome. In which case you are right.”

Many of the Muppets are on foot, traveling day and night until they find Sesame Street. A few others are riding in a converted anarchist Ice Cream truck which Big Bird says he borrowed from “a friend,” something that the  7 foot feathered favorite seems to regret.

“If everyone in the wide world makes mistakes, ” asserted Big Bird. “I make mistakes and you make mistakes. We all make mistakes. In this case, I probably should have just rented a van from Hertz instead of relying on that tip from Oscar. Miss Piggy says I need to work on my optics. I have no idea what that means, but it sounds serious.”

Once the Muppets reach Sesame Street, they plan on holding a press conference to let everyone know where exactly it is.