“This travesty will deprive what is clearly a historical treasure of the 21st century of the grocery bags of close to 100,000 people. We can’t let that happen.” said Ms. Hansen in a The Fazzler telephone interview. “How will those that come generations after us know how we transported goods from trade centers to our homes?”
While most residents support the organization (known as the GPGPPS) there are naysayers who feel the organization is way off base.
“What a bunch of litter-loving idiots.” said a frustrated Leo Koneko of Nevada City. “I’ve been reporting every store that doesn’t comply with the ban-how hard is it to bring your own bag to the store to stop polluting the planet?”
Ms. Hansen and the GPGPPS made a statement in regard to this accusation last week, stating “The Great Pacific Garbage Patch is a part of our beautiful world, serving as home to countless organisms and a resting place for traveling sea birds-therefore it deserves all the preservation efforts afforded to any other wonder residing on our Mother Earth.”