Worst Place in the World Forecast

Although Republicans are quick to blame the crisis on Democrats, who have controlled the State for decades, this one is all Republican in the the making.
Although Republicans are quick to blame the crisis on Democrats, who have controlled the State for decades, this one is all Republican in the the making.

Flint, Michigan — Ah yes, remember when all the jobs were in Flint, Michigan and the water was unsafe to drink in Mexico? Oh how times have changed for the former automobile manufacturing town!

The forecast calls for cold and cloudy skies, and a heavy dose of lead poisoning.

In charge of the city’s budget amid a financial emergency, the state, under the leadership and direction of Republican Governor Rick Snyder  decided to temporarily switch Flint’s water source from Lake Huron to the Flint River as a cost-saving measure until a new supply line to Lake Huron was ready. As the corrosive water surged through Flint’s aging water delivery system, the acidic and contaminated Flint River water leached contaminants from the pipes and into the tap water, the most serious contaminant being lead. Realizing their stupidity, the government switched the water back, but the damage was done to the lead pipes. Solid work there, Michigan.

Here’s the best part. 8,000 children under the age of 6 years of age have serious and damaging levels of lead poisoning. What’s the best part? That 8,000 under the age of 6 is EVERY child in Flint. Needless to say, the burgeoning Flint bottled water industry has been ground to a halt.

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Loretta Splitair
Loretta Splitair
Loretta Splitair is Fazzler's Media and Cultural Editor. She has written widely including publications such as Rolling Stone, The Atlantic and the Lady's Home Journal where she hosts a regular column on the ravages of Billy Joel's music entitled, Billy Joel is a Piece of Shit. Loretta is married to her second husband after her first died protesting railway expansion in Kansas. Please do not ask her about it.

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