Former White Stripes Drummer Meg White Join Rush on New Tour

Former White Stripes drummer Meg White to replace Rush's recently passed Neil Peart on drums for their upcoming tour.

Canada — Progressive Canadian rock band Rush fans exhaled with relief after lead guitarist Alex Lifeson announced Meg White, former White Stripes drummer, as the replacement for the late Neil Peart for an upcoming North American tour.

Numerous reports have confirmed Mr. Peart’s inability to continue due to increasing chronic arthritis pain, leading many fans to believe that Rush’s critically acclaimed R40 tour a couple of years ago would be their final one. Following Peart’s tragic death from brain cancer, Rush revealed a “plan B.”

“This week, in a The Fazzler telephone interview, Mr. Lifeson said, “We’ve been working very closely with Meg White for the past few months. She’s been studying his sets since 2020 and is ready to come out of retirement. Although no one can truly replace Neil on drums, we think Meg will add a fresh perspective to some of our classics.”

An American drummer, Megan Martha “Meg” White (b. 1974) gained fame with Jack White in the Detroit rock duo The White Stripes. Critics and fans have described her drumming style as “primal” due to its simplicity, garnering praise and criticism.

Mr. Lifeson continued, “The set will be different for our fans, but wait until you hear her version of YYZ or Cygnus. In a way, Tom Sawyer seems almost tailor-made for her.”

The Rush fan base reacted with confusion to the news, with some questioning the choice of replacement. Former Speaker of the House Paul Ryan, a devout Rush fan, was among the most vocal.

Paul Ryan remarked, “I’ve been a Rush fan since high school. Their music introduced me to Ayn Rand, who influenced all my decisions. I’m adopting a ‘wait and see’ attitude towards Meg. I hope she doesn’t plan to write lyrics. This news has inspired me to consider a political comeback.”

The 28-city tour will start this summer in Buffalo, New York, and conclude in Vancouver, British Columbia, in October, with a stop in Fresno.