Who Said It: Donald Trump or Jesus Christ?

This is the hardest quiz you'll ever take. Good luck!

We're glad you decided to test your knowledge of Jesus and Donald Trump! There are 14 test questions that you have to complete. A popular rhetorical tool among Christians, especially when pondering our day's moral and ethical questions, is to ask, “What Would Jesus Do” or “What Would Jesus Say”? So when you think about it, that is, if you think, this makes a lot of sense. It probably makes the same sense if you don't think about it.

After taking this quiz, you can share your results on social media with your family, friends, and maybe even co-workers! Maybe even your enemies. This is a great way to reach across the aisle.

We wish you nothing but the best of luck. Remember, this is tricky, so take your time and try not to cheat!

Good luck. Ready to begin? Click Next.

Be sure to click Submit Quiz to see your results! And remember to share them.

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