Palo Alto, CA — A recent study performed by the Palo Alto, California-based Rundex Family Foundation found that almost 63% of all American women would give up sex for their mobile phone if they had the choice.
The 4 year, 2.2 million dollar study sponsored in part by Verizon Wireless set out to find several “usage commitment” questions about mobile devices. The questionnaire was filled out by 12,231 people, and has a margin of error rate of 2.7% and a standard deviation of 0.41. Most of the results were predictable, but the “phone over sex” answers caught researchers off guard.
“It was a standard marketing questionnaire we created,” said Rundex researcher Robert Colvin in a The Fazzler interview. “And we pretty much got the data we expected. 90% of adults own cell phones. 58% own smart phones. Ownership across ethnicity were about even. But then Brad’s [Editor’s Note: Bradley Fontaine, is a research fellow at Rundex] last minute addition about choosing between a mobile phone and sex was a real eye-opener.”
According to the data, 62.6% of all women would choose their smart phone over sex with their male partner if they had to make the choice.
Only 17.4% of men answered the same way. This new data seems to suggest that the Internet, and in particular Social Media, is a substitute for traditional “in-the-flesh” relationships.
As for researcher Mr. Colvin, he tries not to form opinions on his data.
“I just report the data,” continued Mr. Colvin peering over his glasses. “Like I said, I’m a tad surprised, but I don’t like to comment on the data. I leave that stuff up to the marketing people.”