Dallas, TX — As 5G, or 5th generation wireless technologies, begin to roll out across the United States and the world, several leaked memos reveal that many of the top telecommunication companies are concerned about upcoming 6G technologies. One such memo suggests that AT&T, Verizon, and several other giants believe that the latest technology might cause irreversible damage to the Earth’s biosphere.

In the case of Dallas, TX-based AT&T, a recent executive-level email published through Wikileaks suggests that their 6G efforts might disrupt the Earth’s electromagnetic field. One such email from AT&T lead scientist Hank Davidson details the dangers of streaming penetrating, high-powered gamma radiation across the country. The program is called Gamma 1.

From: Hank Davidson ([email protected])
Subject: Biosphere Concerns
Date: January 25, 2019 3:30:58 PM CDT
To: [email protected]
Return-Path: <[email protected]>


I have to express my concerns about Gamma 1. I mean, if what Josh and Daphne say is correct, we might disrupt the magnetic field. Have you considered this? I know you’ve told me a hundred times that the reactors and the accelerators are safe and contained, but I’m not the only one concerned here. I know have friends at the FCC who’ll turn their backs, but is this really worth the risk?

Hank Davidson
[email protected] | Chief Scientist, AT&T

According to several non-industry efforts, 6G technologies promise almost unlimited speeds from anywhere on Earth. But this access comes at a heavy price as telecom companies have harnessed the power of supernovas in controlled ‘Gamma Centers.’

Experts Speak Out

One such expert is North San Juan, California’s Skyy Wolford, who claims he’s been researching ‘wireless harm’ for over 6 years.

“There has been a lot of debate about the dangers of electromagnetic fields on Facebook recently,” said Skyy Wolford from his North San Juan home. “So I decided to do some research to get to the bottom of it. You know, real science stuff. So I started measuring radio waves around some proposed 6G towers near my house using an E-Meter I had leftover from my Scientology auditing days. And let me tell you, it’s like a mini-super nova going off all the time.”

Mr. Wolford is not a scientist, nor does he have any scientific training. He did spend two semesters at Sierra College studying psychology until he decided “school was not right” for him. He retired to North San Juan to sell fake local crystals to Yuba River tourists from Malaysia.

And since retiring, Mr. Wolford has focused his attention on what he feels are the most pressing issues of the day: FEMA camps, the campaign to poison us with vaccinations forcibly, and of course, cancer-causing wireless signals.

“It’s all right there in the Wikileaks emails,” continued a mood-elevated Mr. Wolford. “They’re gonna fry the planet to make their stockholders happy. I mean, how stupid is that?”

But Really?

However, not everyone is convinced 6G is the end of the world.

“Look, 6G is nothing more than an extension of existing 5G and, in some cases, 4G technology,” said Topeka, Kansas radio engineer Foster Habbens. “It has nothing to do with gamma radiation or anything like that. People need to stop doing their own research into areas they know nothing about.”

AT&T and other large wireless providers such as Verizon and Sprint declined to comment, stating that they do not comment on products under development. However, T-Mobile’s colorful CEO John Legere said his company plans “the most amazing 6G experience ever” and proceeded to share his ‘famous and fabulous’ slow-cooker beef short rib recipe.