Area Man Makes Wrong Turn

Dirk Johansen seen here in front of his neighbor's home. His truck can be seen in the background.
Dirk Johansen seen here in front of his neighbor’s home. His truck can be seen in the background.

Rio Linda, CA — A Rio Linda man made a wrong turn over the weekend and his Chevrolet pickup ended up on his neighbors home, according to the Sacramento County Sheriff’s Department. Dirk Johansen had just returned from Fry’s Electronics where he had purchased a new car stereo for his truck, when according to the report, he veered off the road, onto his neighbor’s driveway, and then using his Mazda Miata as a ramp, launched his 1997 4×4 truck onto his roof, partially collapsing the already condemned home.

“Look man, he was moving out anyway,” said a somewhat dim-witted Mr. Johansen holding his Budweiser can. “I mean, I figure I was doing him a favor. The county was going to demolish it next month, so I figured I’d help.”

According the Sheriff’s report, Mr. Johansen was just below the legal limit for blood alcohol. And although he had a full case of Budweiser still in the passenger’s seat of his truck, none were opened at the time of the accident. He was cited for reckless driving and not arrested.