Area Woman Woman Launches Gluten-Free Singles Site

Ardwelia Kushborn took matters into own hands this past week and launched, which she described as "a place where gluten-intolerant singles can find the perfect match."
Ardwelia Kushborn has launched, which she described as "a place where gluten-intolerant singles can find the perfect match."
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Ardwelia Kushborn took matters into own hands this past week and launched, which she described as "a place where gluten-intolerant singles can find the perfect match."
Ardwelia Kushborn has launched, which she described as “a place where gluten-intolerant singles can find the perfect match.”

Nevada City, CA — After growing frustrated with the local and online dating scene, Nevada City resident and chemtrail clothing entrepreneur Ardwelia Kushborn took matters into her own hands this past week and launched, which she described as “a place where gluten-intolerant singles can find the perfect match.” The site is in a private test phase and is accessible via invite only.

“I was really not happy with the online dating scene,” said Ms. Kushborn in a The Fazzler telephone interview. “Either they were too creepy or too unaccommodating. So that’s why I started this journey almost a year ago to make a site for those of us who are Gluten intolerant.”

According to Ms. Kushborn, many of the online dating sites did not have the specific dietary profiles she was looking for.

“Most of the dating sites will ask if you are a vegan or whatever,” continued Ms. Kushborn, “but none of them asked the real serious questions like whether you can handle the scourge of GMO wheat which is destroying your gut, you know? So on, we ask over 14 different gluten-related questions. Like, ‘can you tolerate rye flour?’ and ‘do you like quinoa?'”

The site is due to go public sometime later this summer with a national ad campaign starting on