Articles by

Randall 'fink' Finkelstein

Fink is a man of many words, and many web links. He likes to argue and seldom loses. Mostly because he’s well informed. And somewhat gassy.

Bill Hicks Kills Off Unpopular “Alex Jones” Character/Says Joke No Longer Funny

In what some consider to be the longest running prank in the modern era has come to an abrupt end this week when famed comedian Bill Hicks finally killed off his controversial and unpopular character Alex Jones claiming "it's not funny anymore."

Kimberly-Clark Reconsidering Its Line of “Tribute” Toilet Paper

American "personal care" corporation Kimberly-Clark is considering removing its tribute line of toilet paper after Grateful Dead fans protested at several prominent retail and super market stores over the weekend.

The Proposed State of Jefferson to Host Nation’s First Bigfoot Sanctuary

The California contingent of the State of Jefferson (SoJ) secessionist movement announced today that it plans on establishing the nation's first Sasquatch sanctuary and refuge which will be located in Siskiyou County.

Spontaneous Flash Mob Breaks Out in Grocery Outlet

In a rare, but not unprecedented event, a flash mob spontaneously broke out late Wednesday afternoon inside of the Grass Valley, CA Grocery Outlet grocery store. Patrons both inside and out joined in the free-for-all melee and danced with mad abandon.

Natural Gas Speculators Betting on Siberian Methane Burp

Natural gas commodity speculators are betting on a large methane release from the frozen Siberian tundra which will drive natural gas prices down to record levels.

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