Articles by

Randall 'fink' Finkelstein

Fink is a man of many words, and many web links. He likes to argue and seldom loses. Mostly because he’s well informed. And somewhat gassy.

Local Man Unclear Why Phone is Beeping

Area man and fresh Vacaville, CA transplant Tommy Empire can't for the life of him figure out why his new Samsung Galaxy mobile phone is constantly beeping. He's read the manual and talked to customer support for over 3 hours and still can't stop it from beeping.

Area Man Regrets Selling Kidney on Black Market

"If I had to do it again, I wouldn't do it," said Mr. Igo. "But I try to watch what I eat and drink. Thank god there was no Facebook back then. All the dumb stuff I did as a kid was before the Internet.

Co-Worker Enjoys “Outing” Fellow Workers on Facebook

The local DJ, who makes his living as an Information Technology worker, said on Monday that taddle-telling to the bosses of frequent Facebookers regarding their activity is a fair argument tactic.

Exclusive Interview With Time Traveler John Titor

Famous time traveler John Titor admitted in a recent interview that his warning of a dim and apocalyptic future, were fabricated in order to spice up what he said was a very boring and ordinary existence in 2036.

Area BMW Driver: “So What If I Drive Like an Asshole? F*ck You.”

Area BMW driver and asshole Don Victors doesn't care what people think of his driving. Mr. Victors, a former Director of Marketing at Adobe Systems and now a "budget web hosting" entrepreneur drives like he's the only person on Earth.

Area Man Knows “Good Satire When He Sees It”

Jake Zillevich of Grass Valley is concerned about gullible people on Social Media and has made it his mission to point out the satire as often as possible.

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