Tragedy struck late Saturday afternoon when 16 year old Daniella Bishop of Grass Valley, CA accidentally lost her iPhone 6 just after riding the barf-inducing carnival ride "The Zipper" at the Nevada County Fair. Upon discovering her missing mobile phone, Ms. Bishop immediately set into a teenage panic.
The world's largest dog made a surprising appearance in a Reno, NV regional park over the weekend. The dog, called Muffles by Rochelle and Carla Smithson of Truckee, CA, started several people out on leisurely day trips to Peterson Mountain west of Reno.
White House Press Secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, says the intention behind this move was to ease the tension and show the world that the US government has a sense of humor.
After an exhaustive 20 month investigation, The Fazzler has learned that conspiracy theorist and host of Alex Jones is quite possibly the late deceased comedian Bill Hicks.
North San Juan resident, part-time chemtrail researcher and amateur ionizing radiation hobbyist Skyy Wolford announced to a somewhat disinterested crowd that two of his three Geiger counters were registering abnormally high levels of radiation.
Children across America are unwittingly, and in some cases deliberately, engaging Machiavellian maneuvers during chore time to offload their chores to other less savvy siblings.