Articles by

Randall 'fink' Finkelstein

Fink is a man of many words, and many web links. He likes to argue and seldom loses. Mostly because he’s well informed. And somewhat gassy.

Thousands Show Up to Watch Area Woman’s Birth

Bridget Doggins created a public Facebook event announcing the home birth of her third child. Over 12,099 people from around the United States said they were going to attend and over 1000 showed up to watch.

Nevada City Considers Allowing Select Neighborhoods to go Fallow

In an effort to attract the valuable Bay Area tourist dollars, the City Council of Nevada City is considering allowing select neighborhoods to go fallow.

Conspiracy Researcher: Sedona, Arizona Doesn’t Exist

North San Juan resident, part-time chemtrail researcher and amateur ionizing radiation hobbyist Skyy Wolford announced to a somewhat disinterested crowd out in front of the Sierra Super Stop that Sedona, Arizona is an elaborate hoax and does not exist. Mr. Wolford, who was recently in the news following his landmark Wi-Fi disability settlement, has been studying what he calls "the Sedona anomaly" for the past 3 years.

Utility Smart Meter Provides Area Woman with Vivid Dreams

Although many people complain about the effects of electromagnetic radiation, one area woman says they're helping her get a good night's sleep.

South Carolina Man Knits ‘Dickhead’ Hats for Facebook Friends

Recent South Carolina transplant and former California contractor Frank S. Arce, III said he's "had it with his smart-ass friends and is finally going to do something about it."

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