On the heals of a recent Bigfoot siting of Alta Sierra, a researcher of the semi-rural development has warned that the cryptid-ape-like creature might attack the proposed Dollar General store if it is developed along highway 49.
3 days after receiving his new Samsung Galaxy mobile phone, complete with an Otterbox case, 15 year old Kevin Thomas of Grass Valley, CA somehow managed to crush the touchscreen into oblivion.
Producers of the popular US documentary TV show Hoarders announced Saturday that they were pleased with the recent Easter Egg 'hunts" in Grass Valley, CA.
Edward Grant, 63 of Nevada City, CA took his prototype "floating boat" out for a spin on a local lake this past weekend. His boat, the Grand Finale, is a modest 32-foot vessel that has been retrofitted with what Mr. Grant calls a "quantum flux enablement device" which apparently disrupts gravitation fields.