Articles by

Randall 'fink' Finkelstein

Fink is a man of many words, and many web links. He likes to argue and seldom loses. Mostly because he’s well informed. And somewhat gassy.

Area Scientist Demonstrates High-Tech Levitation

Edward Grant, 63 of Nevada City, CA took his prototype "floating boat" out for a spin on a local lake this past weekend. His boat, the Grand Finale, is a modest 32-foot vessel that has been retrofitted with what Mr. Grant calls a "quantum flux enablement device" which apparently disrupts gravitation fields.

Body Found in Bed Just a Lazy Teenager

Police were called to the 11000 block of Rhode Island Street this week after residents of the home discovered what they thought was a dead body in one of the beds.

Mass Hysteria Following of Ted Cruz Rally [VIDEO]

Following a Ted Cruz campaign event, as many as 20 young adults broke in a mass hysteria dance in front of the Mobile, Alabama downtown Catalyst Memorial Community Center. Although Senator Cruz did not speak at the event, several of his celebrity supporters did including Colorado firebrand Christian Fundamentalist pastor Kevin Swanson who finished the rally with a call to "put all gays into sackcloth and cover them with ashes and cow dung."

State of Jefferson Movement Accidentally Brought Back from the Dead

After over 50 years of unchallenged, strident, yet well-meaning nuttery, the State of Jefferson movement was shocked back to life by a new adversary called "Keep it California."

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