Intel Corporation shipping manager Jay Robinson spent his first day off this year getting a cavity filled at his dentist and the spending the balance of the afternoon waiting to register his family's new pop-up camper at the DMV.
What started out as a playful refrigerator game with the intention of increasing the family's language acumen, has revealed deep angst and discontent inside a local Nevada City family.
Local child entertainment specialist and owner of Big Giggles Bounce Houses Jerry Dodge, parked his Ford Econoline 350 van just south of Lime Kiln Road and inflated one of his Bounce Houses in the right hand lane of Highway 49.
Convicted "Unabomber" Ted Kaczynski was spotted in an area Best Buy electronics store earlier this week shopping for a new laptop and mobile phone, according to several sources from the Auburn, CA location.
Area environmental activists are furious over the Nevada Irrigation District's (NID) decision to go forward with its annual 4th of July "Dying of the Ditch" celebration, despite complaints from protesters to stop the practice.