California's epic drought has taken a toll on not only its citizens, but also its animal populations. And no animal group has been more impacted than Black Bear community, where both food and water has become scarce forcing them into human-populated areas.
Select Northern California Flyers service stations are bowing to pressure from various social justice organizations and installing tactile Braille systems for the blind on gasoline pumps.
Area weather forecasting savant Giovanni Paolo was asked to leave the Grass Valley Staples Office Supply store Wednesday afternoon after a store clerk caught him in a back aisle furiously popping all the bubble wrap.
An area man was briefly detained Monday by the Grass Valley Police for repeatedly stalking and exposing himself to the Microsoft Bing Streetside Camera car.
Area middle school administrators announced on Monday that they would be adding an additional 6 "No Smoking" signs on the campus to accompany the 8 that currently are being displayed on the campus.