Articles by

James Schlarmann

Comedian, writer, founding contributor of The Political Garbage Chute, holder of zero world records or lifetime achievement awards.

Delta Offers Ann Coulter Free Lifetime Irrevocable Seat on Plane’s Wing

Conservative firebrand Ann Coulter took to Twitter in an absolute rage over the weekend after an incident on a Delta Airlines flight she was on. Coulter began tweeting berating, angry messages at Delta’s official Twitter account after she was asked to relocate to a different seat to accommodate another passenger.

Wayne LaPierre Tragically Shoots and Kills Thoughts and Prayers

Law enforcement authorities in Virginia this morning announced that they'd responded to a 911 call late Wednesday night that came from the residence of NRA Executive Vice-President Wayne LaPierre. He tragically shot and killed "thoughts and prayers" on his property.

Florida Rape Victim Performs ‘Self-Abortion’ with AR-15

In Florida, while rape victims have to wait a full day to get an abortion, anyone can buy an AR-15 semi-automatic rifle with absolutely no waiting period whatsoever.

Tennessee Shutters Taco Bells For “Being Too Mexican”

A Tennessee Republican is asking that all Taco Bells be shut down for being too Mexican. Clem O'Connor of Hazard, TN says he's "not racist at all" but that he "just know[s] that you can't have a huge welfare state and let any Tom, Dick or Jose in the country."

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