Articles by

James Schlarmann

Comedian, writer, founding contributor of The Political Garbage Chute, holder of zero world records or lifetime achievement awards.

In Most Brilliant, Magnanimous Move Ever, North Korea Bans Sarcasm Which Will TOTALLY Help Their Image

The incredibly intelligent, open-minded, fair, and incredibly roguishly handsome Kim Jong-un has taken the bold, decisive, and truly progressive step of banning sarcasm in North Korea.

Former Cellmate to Auction George Zimmerman’s Prison Dildo

Though he's a free man now, for several months George Zimmerman was in jail while he stood trial for killing Trayvon Martin. One of the men who spent time in the same cell as Zimmerman will auction what he calls a "prison dildo" the two shared.

U.N. Security Council Reconvenes to Address Ongoing U.S. WMD Concerns Ahead of November

The U.N. Security Council reconvenes to discuss the potential threat of U.S. weapons of mass destruction falling into dangerous hands ahead of the November elections. With a controversial former leader making a comeback, diplomats express concern over the world's safety. Russia, however, remains unconcerned, confident the candidate will heed their advice, not the U.N.'s.

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