Articles by

Jon Reremy, PhD

When Jon was a little bitty baby his mama would rock him in the cradle in the old cotton fields where he's from. Growing up in the deep south, he learned to take a punch, a skill he carries with him to this day and looks to pass on to future generations of Reremies. After the tragic monster truck accident that claimed the life of his latest wife, all pending charges were dropped, leaving Jon to pursue his dream of marrying someone younger, hotter, and dirtier. As his hunt continues, Jon lurks around the local junior college, where he hopes to earn his doctorate by attending several classes a month, that he may one day stop lying about having one. When he's not studying or leching, Jon maintains an active television-viewing schedule. On the rare occasion inspiration strikes, he strikes back.

UFC Fans Overwhelmingly Know What’s Best for Ex-Champion

In a new Pew poll, 98% of the respondents who self-identified as fans of Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) knew what former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey should do next.

Man Hospitalized by Ronda Rousey on International Women’s Day

Venice Beach resident Frank Rizzo was hospitalized by former Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) Bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey after reportedly telling her to smile.

Woman Wearing Headphones Impatiently Waiting for Men to Hit on Her

Sasha Reed of Nevada City, CA has repeatedly experienced a shocking amount of neglect while doing everything from working out to driving around. Accordingly, she said, her self esteem has begun to suffer.

Oregon Militia Leaders Arrested, Shot

Leader of the Oregon standoff Ammon Bundy and five others were arrested Tuesday night, with spokeman LaVoy Finicum killed in a shootout with police.

Obliviously Creepy Man Likes 7 Years Worth of Woman’s Photos

Los Angeles-based artist and unaware creeper Jim Dean unknowingly made himself the subject of yet another uncomfortable discussion recently after methodically "Liking" dozens of photographs belonging to a new Facebook friend.

Apathetic Nation Continues to Boycott Mississippi

After a recent law allowing churches and businesses to discriminate against homosexuals, millions of Americans have reaffirmed their intention to avoid Mississippi for the rest of their lives.

NFL Books King Diamond for Superbowl 52

Responding to outrage over Beyonce's halftime performance at Superbowl 50, officials at the National Football League (NFL) have stated their intent to host Danish heavy metal artist King Diamond at Superbowl 51.

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