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London — The hosts of Good Morning Britain, in an attempt to surprise Boris Johnson, apparently scared the Prime Minister to death early this morning as they attempt to secure an interview with the embattled leader.

Johnson ducked into a refrigerator when he was surprised by correspondent Jonathan Swain on Wednesday, according to a report. He was carrying a large crate of milk when the Good Morning Britain correspondent surprised him, apparently to his demise.

“Morning, prime minister, would you come on ‘Good Morning Britain,’ prime minister? Prime minister? Did you get that?” Swain asked in a clip of the interaction.

It was then that Mr. Swain realized that he had startled Mr. Johnson to death.

“After he didn’t answer, I ventured into the dairy refrigerator,” continued Swain. “And there he was, on the floor. Dead as a doornail. Well, at least that’s what we thought.”

It’s unclear if the prime minister was dead or merely faking death to avoid an interview. However, no one has heard from him since the event.