Pasadena, CA — According to CalTech astrophysicist Dr. Tral Aldrich, there is a distinct possibility that Facebook doesn’t exist the way we have come to understand it. Dr. Aldrich, who has written extensively on String Theory and alternative universes, maintains that what we see and perceive may not be accurate. In the case of Facebook, which has over 1.2 billion active users, The Caltech scientist maintains that the social media mega-giant seems strange and ill-humored joke projected from another dimension.
“OK,” said Dr. Aldrich in a The Fazzler telephone interview. “I can’t take credit for this discovery, but I did work out the equations. There’s this computer scientist in Mountain View, California. His name is Ryan Wolford, and he’s one of the lead engineers on their self-driving car project. They were having trouble with their cars getting stuck in roundabouts. He was working on an algorithm to fix that when he saw some data that confused him. That’s when he contacted me.”
The Study
According to the study under peer review by fellow Caltech professors, Facebook doesn’t exist in this dimension. More startling is that it seems to be a prank being played out by what Dr. Aldrich calls “an extra-verse deity” who is manipulating social media on what appears to be an old bulletin board. Not the computer kind that was popularized in the 1990s, but the old-fashioned kind where you post the paper with thumbtacks.
“So that’s the part that will be the hardest for people to understand,” continued Dr. Aldrich. “And I know I had the hardest time coming to grips with it myself. But the math keeps telling us the same thing no matter how many times I refactor it. There is a multi-dimensional being manipulating what we think is Facebook for their, I guess, screwed-up pleasure. From our perspective, it seems ridiculous to assert such a theory. Still, careful examination of Ryan Wolford’s data and my analysis tells us that Facebook is not real and doesn’t exist. Doesn’t exist in this world, at least.”
Google Responds
The Fazzler reached out to Ryan Wolford at his Potrero Hill apartment in San Francisco, California, to discover how he stumbled upon this remarkable discovery.

“So, I got assigned to fix what had become a huge embarrassment for Google,” said a disheveled and tired Mr. Wolford, “And it got assigned to me because I took one of our self-driving car prototypes out for a joy ride to see my brother in North San Juan [California]. After it got stuck in the roundabout for over 2 hours, my boss said I had to fix that issue as punishment for taking the car without asking. So I started on my ‘circle algorithm,’ which iterated through billions of circle calculations looking for patterns. And that’s when my one exaFLOP rig started spitting out nonsense data. Well, it was nonsense at first.”
According to Mr. Wolford, the data made no sense when he first saw it. And he thought that his algorithm was broken until he noticed prime numbers repeating at regular intervals.
“I didn’t know what to make of the primes,” continued Mr. Wolford, “but I know a pattern when I see one. So I contacted this scientist who’s been bugging my brother about his dreams. I figured he might be able to make sense of it. But, unfortunately, I didn’t hear back from him for over a month.”
When Mr. Wolford heard back from him, he was shocked at what he had learned.
“So basically, this Caltech guy said my data had crazy implications for our understanding of reality,” said a mood-elevated Mr. Wolford, who seemed confused by his own words. “He said, ‘Ryan, this might be one of the most important discoveries of our time.’ Or some strange thing like that. Anyhow, then he went on to talk about string theory and deities controlling everything like a board game or something. I was hoping he’d help me with my roundabout problem.”
Dr. Aldrich’s discovery didn’t help Mr. Wolford with his self-driving car issues. Still, according to the Professor, it was the beginning of some “Unified Field Theory” of multi-dimension existence. And it also vindicated his belief that the writings of famous time traveler john Titor were correct.
“So this discovery simply means that we’re more than likely being controlled by something from another dimension,” Dr. Aldrich said as he anxiously flipped through his papers on his desk. “This coincides with what John Titor left for us in his diary.”
Time Traveler John Titor
In late 2000, a man surfaced on the Internet, claiming to have traveled through time. The man, who came to be known as John Titor, allegedly traveled from 2036 by using a time machine installed in a 1987 Chevrolet pickup truck. According to Mr. Titor, it was the first machine produced and built by multinational conglomerate General Electric for the “Army” in 2034.
On earlier Army missions, according to Titor, he traveled seeking an IBM 5100 microcomputer to “stop the mass destruction of the Earth’s biosphere.” However, on his most recent 2015 trip, he admitted that he enjoyed time travel because the future was “ordinary and boring.” He also left details about the inter-dimensional journey, which skeptics called “batshit crazy rantings.”

“For Titor, time travel wouldn’t be possible without these extra-dimensional spaces. And more importantly, the beings that inhabit them and use their powers to manipulate dimensions like ours,” continued Dr. Aldrich. “Titor also wrote that there are deities who love to toy with humans in one such dimension, which was to be avoided at all costs. And one of the tools we know is Facebook. Before that, there was television. And before that, there was a radio. You get the picture. All not real. But now I have the data to back up what people used to call Titor’s lunatic fringe writings.”
As for what this means for the people of this dimension, and more importantly, people who use Facebook often, Dr. Aldrich did offer this advice.
“Just remember that there’s someone or something behind the scenes pulling the levers and pushing the buttons, so to speak,” said Dr. Aldrich, whose tone suddenly became serious. “Next time you get into a stupid argument or see a cat meme, just remember that someone or something is getting a kick out of watching you freak out.”