

Dr. PekingProtocol or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love AI

Stanley Kubrick navigates the absurd theater of AI superintelligence. From General Jack D. Ripcode's paranoia to Dr. PekingProtocol's uncanny expertise, Kubrick paints a world where fear, hope, and folly collide. As we teeter on the brink of a digital abyss, he implores us to laugh, embrace the absurd, and learn to love our AI overlords.

Locals: Who Do I Have to Blow to Get A Meal Delivered in this Town?

I would happily pay a delivery charge-hell, I'd even tolerate a long wait time if it meant I didn't have to put on pants, set down my Manhattan, drag my ass downtown, put out my cigarette, and talk to people. I shouldn't have to talk to people to eat.

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