

Cotton Bowl Changes to Lycra Bowl, Bowing to Pressure from Conservatives

The iconic Cotton Bowl has officially rebranded itself as the 'Lycra Bowl.' This bold move reflects the evolving landscape of cultural sensitivity and corporate branding in American sports. The renaming has ignited a mix of reactions, with some applauding the progressive shift while others lament the loss of tradition. The decision, sparked by a tweet from actor Kevin Sorbo, underscores the growing trend of sports institutions adapting to societal changes. Renaming the Cotton Bowl to the Lycra Bowl is not just about a change in fabric but a symbolic gesture towards inclusivity and modern values in sports.

Kansas Criminal’s Bid to Dodge the Law with Presidential Run

Meet Rusty Fields, Kansas' most notorious criminal who's now eyeing the presidency. His brazen campaign is rewriting the rules, sparking outrage, amusement, and a national debate on justice and politics. A must-read for those fascinated by the absurdities of modern politics.

Bad Tarot Reading Leads to Realty Bankruptcy

The incident has raised questions about the validity of tarot card readings and the potential dangers of relying on them for important decisions.

Historians: Nevada City, CA Actually an Old Star Trek Episode Set

Historians from Brigham Young and Southern Methodist Universities have discovered that the quaint former gold rush town of Nevada City, California is actually a set from a lost Star Trek episode. The researchers made the discovery while digging through the Paramount television archives in Burbank, CA.

Briar Patch’s Payphone is a Brilliant Marketing Decision: Here’s Why

So you're one of those people who still look for a public payphone. Well good for you. But wait, there's more. As a local, you may not be aware that the Briar Patch COOP has a public payphone. And here's why it's a great marketing move.

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