Philadelphia, PA — With the spotlight on the Republicans in Cleveland this week, the Democratic Convention is set to begin in Philadelphia in a few weeks. While it is sure to bring plenty of headlines, the Democrats are making strides to curb illegal voting.
The Democrats are going to set limits on their collection of deceased voters. Thousands of ballots are cast from social security numbers that are from a deceased individual every election. The Democrats seek to limit the age of deceased voters and they will limit the voters to being dead no more than 50 years. In the past, voters that have been deceased more than 75 years were commonly used.
The Fazzler spoke with Senator Dianne Feinstein of California regarding the move.
“We made the move to end the controversy surrounding the votes. After all we are pretty sure they were all Democrats before they died,” said Feinstein . “These voters make up a significant demographic, we constantly look after the dead’s rights. Heck, it worked for Kennedy in 1960.”
Senator Feinstein has plans later in the week to campaign at Friendly Nursing Home in Pasadena, CA to garner support for votes the after residents die. Promising clean, manicured cemeteries for all.