Federal Judge Blocks California’s Sexual Harassment Ban

A federal judge has blocked a California law set to go into effect Saturday.
A federal judge has blocked a California law set to go into effect Saturday.

Sacramento, CA — A federal judge has blocked a California law set to go into effect Saturday that would have barred supervisors from sexually harassing unusually sexy coworkers. Studies have shown that the sexy people in the workplace can get away with 31% less production than the average worker.

San Diego-based U.S. District Judge Roger Benitez said in a ruling Thursday that the law banning possession of subordinate females, and even some of the more effeminate males, would have made criminals of thousands of otherwise law-abiding citizens who now use sex as a weapon to keep employees productive. He issued a preliminary injunction backing the legal challenge by the Larry Flynt.

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, who is asexually defending the state law, did not immediately comment. He left the courtroom with some hot blond for recess. Sources assure us it wasn’t his wife.

The judge says the law approved by voters in November takes away “sexy time with employees” and lowers morale in the workplace.

Lawmakers passed a similar law last year banning porno magazines.

Michael Stephen
Michael Stephen
Michael has been through pretty much everything, and his sole aspiration is to get you through it more quickly and with less pain.

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