Gay Man Trapped in Well Doesn’t Believe CNN

Daytona, KS — A Kansas gay man who became trapped in a well earlier this week has announced that he doesn’t believe CNN due to confirmation bias.

According to reports, Jeffery Feebee, was out for a leisurely walk when he stumbled upon an old, abandoned well. Without thinking, he climbed into the well to look closer but quickly became stuck when the ladder broke.

As rescue workers worked to free the man from the well, he was reportedly seen yelling that he didn’t believe CNN.

“I don’t believe a word they say!” he shouted as rescue workers tried to lower a rope to him. “They’re always spinning the facts to fit their own agenda!”

The man’s skepticism has raised eyebrows, with many wondering what could have prompted such a strong reaction. However, upon further investigation, the man appears to have a history of only seeking out news sources that align with his preexisting beliefs and biases.

“I guess I just fell into the trap of confirmation bias,” the man admitted after being rescued from the well. “I only wanted to hear things that reinforced my beliefs, and CNN didn’t fit the bill.”

In the end, the man was rescued and is expected to recover fully. But one thing is for sure: his mistrust of CNN and his tendency towards confirmation bias will likely remain even as he recovers from his ordeal.

Michael Stephen
Michael Stephen
Michael has been through pretty much everything, and his sole aspiration is to get you through it more quickly and with less pain.

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