North Korean Leader Upset American Sniper Not About Him

North Korean leader Kim Jong-un is looking forward to Bluegrass Music and meeting the Chicago Bulls this Summer.
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Pyongyang, North Korea — In a bizarre press release from the reclusive and eccentric North Korean dictator, the country’s supreme leader Kim Jong Un announced that he was angry that the recent biopic film American Sniper was not about him, nor had any mention of his isolated country.

In an oddly worded Press Release, the Pyongyang government condemned both the film and its director Clint Eastwood for not including Kim Jong Un as a primary plot mechanism. The North Korean dictator seemed to imply that he wished to be a target of the the Navy Seal’s rifle.

The world public will never forget the malignant slanders uttered by Clint Eastwood, the enemy of the party and the revolution and a servant of the fascist clique of South Korea. As the Supreme Leader was not the subject of the Imperialist film American Sniper, provides proof that Eastwood is a thrice-cursed traitor without an equal in the world, who has desperately worked for years to destabilize and bring down the DPRK.  No one in the world can stand in the way of the army and people who are advancing single-mindedly united around supreme leader Kim Jong Un under the banner of great Kimilsungism-Kimjongilism. – DPRK State news agency

American Sniper catalogs the life of Mr. Kyle, both on and off the battlefield as he struggles with the challenges of being a military sniper and his “normal” life back at home. The film has been a success at the box office and also garnered criticism from filmmakers Seth Rogen and Michael Moore as being propaganda. Rogen was recently the target of an alleged North Korean attack for his film The Interview which depicted the North Korean leader as nut-sack crazy. American Sniper contains no reference to Kim Jong Un.

It isn’t clear if this latest development will impact the Kim Jong Un’s vacation plans later this year to Nevada County, however insiders say it is unlikely that he will forgo his meetings with the Chicago Bulls.

Randall 'fink' Finkelstein
Randall 'fink' Finkelstein
Fink is a man of many words, and many web links. He likes to argue and seldom loses. Mostly because he’s well informed. And somewhat gassy.

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