North San Juan Man Just Wants to be Left the Hell Alone

North San Juan resident, poet, painter, and occasional "alternative" farmer Bob "Red" Folstein just wants you to stop asking him questions.

North San Juan/Camptonville, CA — Long-time North San Juan resident, poet, painter, Veteran and occasional “alternative” farmer Bob “Red” Folstein says he just wants to be left alone, he said in an interview with Beacon outside the popular North San Juan tavern the Brass Rail.

“I just don’t like people. I like dogs and quiet,” proclaimed a weary Mr. Folstein. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m not a bad guy. I just want some peace and quiet. It takes so much energy just to talk with people.”

Mr. Folstein is not alone. Many people escape to the “Ridge,” as locals refer to it, to get away from the hectic rat race of Grass Valley/Nevada City. North San Juan is home to the first long distance telephone system, as well as frequent street fights.

Many residents find the austere and “Wild West” lifestyle appealing and speak highly of the Brass Rail, a popular local tavern.

“All I need is a good well, my dogs and my booze,” commented Mr. Folstein. “A don’t want no Feds or BLM jackasses up here either. I just want to be left the hell alone.”

The Beacon attempted to contact some of Mr. Folstein’s neighbors for additional comment but discovered that he had no neighbors.