Nostradamus Accurately Predicted Raiders Move to Vegas

Nostradamus Accurately Predicted Raiders Move to Vegas
Nostradamus Accurately Predicted Raiders Move to Vegas
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Las Vegas, NV — The shocking truth that the Oakland Raiders will relocate to Las Vegas was foretold by the famed 16th-century prophet Nostradamus in one of his quatrains and is now public knowledge.

In the 1555 quatrain, Nostradamus predicted that “in the year of the metal rat, a silver and black army would leave its home by the bay and march to a city of vice, where they will find their fortunes and their future.”

Before the Raiders announced they would be moving to Las Vegas in 2020, the year of the metal rat in the Chinese zodiac, many people doubted the quatrain’s significance.

“It’s uncanny how accurate Nostradamus was. Perhaps he was a prophet in the end,” one Raiders fan commented

And that’s not all that the prophecy says. Here’s another quatrain from 1566: “Although the silver and black army will temporarily rule the desert, their reign will not last. They will experience defeat and disillusion during their stay in the city of iniquity.”

Because of this, some Raiders fans are beginning to fear for the team’s future in Sin City.

One supporter wished that Nostradamus had been mistaken about the game, saying. A losing streak is something I hope my team never has to experience.

Raiders fans are enthusiastic about their team’s future in Las Vegas despite the risk of disappointment.

We believe in our squad and expect great things from them,” stated one supporter. And if everything else fails, there’s always pizza and drinks to drown our sorrows.