Psychic Fair Organizers Fail To Predict Catering Error

Psychic Fair organizers didn't have the clairvoyance to detect a massive catering issue.
Psychic Fair organizers didn’t have the clairvoyance to detect a massive catering issue.

Nevada City, CA — Mayhem struck the annual psychic fair held in Nevada City last weekend when organizers failed to predict a significant catering issue that left hundreds of attendees without food and beverages for the entire event. Many attendees were left bewildered assuming that the staff had foreknowledge of any issues.

One of the organizers, Flower Stonehousefelder, 58 of Nevada City, seemed to imply that she had a ‘bad feeling’ about the Saturday sessions, but didn’t go into much detail.

“I have trouble sleeping from all the Smartmeter radiation in my neighborhood,” said a perplexed Ms. Stonehousefelder staring off into the distance out in front of Miners Foundry where the event was held. “And sometimes when I get really tired, I have visions. You know, like Native Americans do. On the Thursday before the fair, I sat up and bed covered in sweat. Something wasn’t right, you know? Something was not working, but I couldn’t put my finger on it. It’s now in retrospect that this fit was about the catering issues.”

The psychic fair draws people from all over the region. According to the event website it’s “for people interested in alternative medicine to those curious about the mystical” and “offers attendees an array of vendors including psychics, medical intuitives, acupuncturists, massage therapists, herbalists, and alchemists.” However the caterer of the event, Betsy’s Cater-One of Grass Valley, had a different opinion of what happened. Admission was $5.00.

“They didn’t pay us,” said Betsy Franklin owner of the catering company in question. “The organizers were supposed to pay a modest deposit for our food and services and they never came through. There was some Flower lady–I can’t remember her name–who was supposed to cut us a check three weeks ago and it never arrived despite our frequent requests. We called them on Thursday morning and told them that if we didn’t have the deposit, we weren’t going to deliver. It’s really that simple.”

According to Ms. Stonehousefelder, they’re going to take a different approach for next year’s fair.

“Well, clearly ‘iniutives’ and catering are not spiritually in harmony,” continued Ms. Stonehousefelder with an air of confidence. “We’re going to try a potluck next year and see how that works.”

Randall 'fink' Finkelstein
Randall 'fink' Finkelstein
Fink is a man of many words, and many web links. He likes to argue and seldom loses. Mostly because he’s well informed. And somewhat gassy.

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