Grass Valley, CA — In a bombshell revelation, documents obtained by the Nevada County The Fazzler reveal that the Grass Valley Police Department allegedly altered the results of the 18th annual Police Department Citizen Attitude Survey.
The Grass Valley Police Department Citizen Attitude Survey provides the opportunity for local citizens and business owners to rate the level of quality for services provided by the police department. The survey also gives the community an opportunity to indicate which services they feel the GVPD should emphasize in the future.
On a hunch, The Fazzler conducted interviews with several local citizens and business owners to see if their answers were consistent with the final report, and were shocked to discover the number of discrepancies found.
Documents obtained through the Freedom of Information Act also discovered that the GVPD did not follow the guidelines set forth by the United States Bureau of Justice and the Office of Community Oriented Policing. Instead, it appears the GVPD set their own rules and guidelines and disregarded many citizen testimonials in a concentrated effort to make Grass Valley seem more appealing to outside business interests and land developers.
Of the so-called “random” sampling of 600 residents and business owners, an overwhelming majority of those surveyed had ties to local government, leading many to believe that the survey was a total sham. Investigators allege that local citizens and businesses who did not contribute to the city’s recent fund raising efforts were excluded altogether from taking part in the survey, disproving the GVPD’s assurance that the survey was “completely random.”
Private citizens and business owners with no ties to city government were either skipped altogether, or had their answers altered with either ‘excellent‘ or ‘good‘ ratings included in the final report, regardless of their truthful answers or what they determined to be important issues facing Grass Valley.
An area business owner, who requested to remain anonymous in fear of retaliation, described the survey as a “complete joke” from the start. “They couldn’t have cared less about any of my concerns in the neighborhood, yet gave my area an ‘excellent‘ rating regardless.”
A local citizen who was surveyed said the officer didn’t ask him any relevant questions, but instead made small talk regarding the Golden State Warriors and their chances of winning the NBA Championship.
“I was shocked, I wanted to bring forth many troubling issues surrounding my neighborhood, but the officer didn’t care to hear about any of that. He marked off my concerns as excellent and moved on his merry way.”
One important issue facing Glass Valley is the growing number of satanic animal mutilations, which was silenced over for “more important” issues such as truancy and cigarette use among minors.
Doug Graves, a clerk at Clock Tower Records, says he’s never even heard of the Citizens Attitude Survey. “Guess they don’t care about business like ours.” Graves says Grass Valley is a great place to live, and sees no reason why the police department would need to alter their findings. “Must come down to money,” said Graves, “it always does.”
As of press time, all requests for comment from the GVPD have gone unanswered.