Dallas, TX — The nation’s wealthiest school district has been the target of a Americans with Disabilities Act complaint following an embarrassing incident during a recent Washington, D.C. field trip.

Every year, select seniors Highland Park High School in the affluent Highland Park Independent School District attend a 2 week field trip in the nation’s capital to study civics and American History. However this year, one student claims he was “not fully accommodated” and his 14th Amendment rights were violated for not being able to jump during a celebration on the Capitol Mall.

“Our client, Brett Jameson, was not allowed to fully participate in the scheduled activities due to an unforeseen Football injury he received prior to the trip,” said Mr. Jameson’s attorney Kathleen Reardon, of Reardon, Thomsen and Nybeck LLC, the firm representing the young man. “The school district was well aware of his injuries prior to the field trip and chose to make no accommodations for him. We are seeking monetary relief for the pain and suffering, as well as for the violation of his civil rights.”

In recent years, there has been an explosion of what are called “drive-by lawsuits.” Drive-by lawsuits involve allegedly injured plaintiffs who never actually attempt to patronize a business, but simply drive business to business collecting addresses and notating minor and technical violations of the law. In this case, critics claim Highland Park Independent School District is being falsely sued on frivolous grounds.

“We can’t comment on the details of the action,” said Highland Superintendent of Schools Bart Hillsdale, “but we feel this lawsuit is without merit because the young man in question was not technically disabled. We look forward to having our day in court and we have no plans of settling.”

Since the trip, which was held late last year, Mr. Jameson’s injury has healed and he’s now jumping around with the rest of his friends.