Video Report: Source of Zika Virus Revealed

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The Zika Virus is spreading fast. Source: CDC
The Zika Virus is spreading fast. Source: CDC

New York, NY — In this exclusive video obtained by The Fazzler from an anonymous informant, the private “virus marketplace” called ATCC is preserving and selling the horrible virus which is being sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation. Video Below.

Zika virus is related to dengue, yellow fever, Japanese encephalitis, and West Nile viruses. The illness it causes is similar to a mild form of dengue fever, is treated by rest, and cannot yet be prevented by drugs or vaccines. There is a possible link between Zika fever and microcephaly in newborn babies by mother-to-child transmission, as well as a stronger one with neurologic conditions in infected adults, including cases of the GuillainBarre syndrome.

From October 2015 to January 2016, there were almost 4,000 cases of babies born with microcephaly in Brazil. Before then, there were just 150 cases per year. Zika virus was first detected in Zika Forest in Uganda in 1947 in a rhesus monkey, and again in 1948 in the mosquito Aedes africanus. Sexual transmission between people has also been reported.