Yankee Fans Rejoice as Fenway Park Chosen for Terrorism Simulation

Yankee Fan rejoice at Fenway park drill. Source Bernard Gagnon-ish
Yankee Fan rejoice at Fenway park drill. Source Bernard Gagnon-ish
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Yankee Fan rejoice at Fenway park drill. Source Bernard Gagnon-ish
Yankee Fan rejoices at Fenway Park drill. Source Bernard Gagnon-ish

Boston, MA — The Boston Police Department  working with the Department of Homeland Security, the US Army Armament Research, Development, and Engineering Center and Fenway Park has been asking for local volunteers to participate in what it’s calling an “active terrorist shooter situation” in the home of the Red Sox baseball team. The exercise, which will run from 7 a.m. until 1 p.m. Sunday, thrilled New York Yankee fans as it raised the possibility of derailing their rivals chances at winning the American League Pennant.

The drill which will run this weekend will be led by the Boston Police and will feature multiple explosions and gun rounds and other realistic sounds that Yankee supporters say will frighten the “simple-minded Red Sox fans”

“Look, this thing will give Sox fans something else to focus on other than the Yankees losing,” said long time Yankees fan William Abate of Queens. “I mean, do they do anything else other than that? You know, other than losing?”

Officials were quick to stress there are no threats or any security concerns, and the event is just a drill. The police department is hoping to draft as many as 100 local fans for the event. Yankee fans are not invited.