“A Chorus Line” Briefly Stops Traffic on Highway 49

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Officer Justin Olberham of the CHP trying to figure out how to stop the cast. Source: the master of all things good, David C. Jensen
Officer Justin Olberham of the CHP trying to figure out how to stop the cast. Source: the master of all things good, David C. Jensen

Nevada City, CA — The drive to North San Juan became a little trickier on Sunday when the entire cast from A Chorus Line, who are rumored to be auditioning for a production of the show at the rustic Nevada Theater in Nevada City, CA, temporarily blocked all lanes of highway 49 traffic in an impromptu dance. According to the California Highway Patrol, it took almost 20 minutes to clear the dancers.

“We’re not sure how this happened,” said Officer Justin Olberham of the CHP, “but to be honest, we’re not that surprised. This is the third time this year we’ve had to clear a bunch of dancing people on Highway 49. It must be something in the water here in Nevada County, you know? At least these people could sing, unlike the last group who couldn’t even keep their bongos in sync. And the ladies were pretty, which is nice.”

According to the police report, the group of A Chorus Line assembled at the 49 bridge which spans the South Fork of the Yuba River early Sunday morning. Then the group proceeded to march up highway 49 towards North San Juan in full costume. About 1/4 mile from the River, they launched into dance, performing the popular number “One” from musical, when the CHP arrived. At first the group ignored the police, preferring to stay “in character” for their performance noting that one of the two  CHP officers had, in the words of one performer, “gotten into the groove of the performance.”

“So we pull up, and they are singing that song everyone knows,” continued a grinning Officer Olberham. “So my partner and I get out of the car and I look over, and Dave [Officer Olberham’s partner] is singing and throwing his arms up along with the tune. At first I just stared at him with my jaw dropped. But then I yelled at him to snap out of it. Can’t say I blame him, it’s a catchy tune.”

No charges were filed, but the Highway Patrol contacted the production company and asked them not to do this again.