North San Juan, CA — Two North San Juan activists have won a landmark decision in the County Court, allowing them to receive disability benefits for something called 5G electromagnetic hypersensitivity or EHS. Merrilee Longshoes and Skyy Wolford of North San Juan, CA, have been working for over two years to get their case through the court system.
“This ruling is not just about Merrilee and Me,” said Mr. Wolford out in front of the Nevada County Courthouse, “It’s about all those who suffer from 5G EMS and don’t have a voice. From now on, the scourge of modern electromagnetic poisoning will have to answer to Social Services.”

According to the ruling, the court did not recognize 5G EHS as an actual illness. It merely accepted Ms. Merrilee’s and Mr. Wolford’s symptoms as preventing them from working and awarded a disability allowance. Most experts, as in just about everyone with a degree beyond the 4th grade, maintain that EHS doesn’t exist. Psychologists link the illness to the “nocebo” effect, where just knowing that something exists, people think they are ill. This is also called “mental illness.”
“The whole court process was horrible,” said Ms. Longshoes in a The Fazzler interview. “The lawyers were saying that we were mentally ill, which was separate from EMS. But in the past couple of years, my symptoms have been getting worse. Right after PG&E put in that Smart Meter. My Lyme disease has become worse, despite the thousands of dollars I’ve spent with my Naturopathic Physician. Now I can’t think clearly. I can’t eat gluten anymore. And the constant headaches! It’s especially worse when I head into town. So, it’s all due to the encroaching presence of WiFi.”
According to the terms of the ruling, both Ms. Longshoes and Mr. Wolford will each receive upwards of $843.00 per month of disability insurance payments, and be eligible for both SNAP [Food Stamps] and Section 8 housing benefits. The judge was evident in his statement that no manufacturers of Wi-Fi equipment would be held culpable for any damages, but this hasn’t gone unnoticed by industry representatives.
“We are concerned about the implications of this ruling,” said Roseville, CA-based industry consultant Daft Franklin who represents the Discrete Wi-Fi Manufacturers Association of America. “I mean, this kind of precedent could be trouble for our industry. We understand that the judge’s ruling strictly prohibited people from going after the Wi-Fi industry, but it’s not going to stop them. And costly and frivolous lawsuits are a damaging waste of resources. The fact of the matter is these folks are going to get much more non-ionizing background radiation from the Earth and the Sun. Heck, they’ll get more from sleeping next to someone.”
As for their plans, Mr. Wolford had this to say.
“Now that this awful trial is over,” continued Mr. Wolford, “we can get to work on reducing EMS sources now from the Sun and the Earth. We’re going after the Federal Government to get the EPA [the Environmental Protection Agency] involved. This ruling will allow us to focus on that. But more immediately, we plan on going door to door to tell everyone to turn off their Wi-Fi devices. We’re going to tell them that they’re injuring not only themselves but people who have won court cases. I’m sure they’ll get the hint.”