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Topeka, KS — Area women Grace Bowles has started a GoFundMe campaign to raise money for Fleshlights to be deployed soldiers overseas. Ms. Bowles, 32 of Topeka, KS says she’s doing to help keep morale up.

“It’s just so tough over there,” said Ms. Bowles outside her Oak Street home. “I mean, I can’t imagine what they are going through. Being in far off land and away from their families. So I wanted to send them something they could use. I know some people are going to think this is weird, but I’m guessing this is exactly what our troops need.”

According to her GoFundMe.com campaign page, Ms. Bowles has a target of $40,000, which will provide up to 1000 Fleshlight aid toys. She’s already raised $14,654 as of this writing.

“Interactive [the parent company of Fleshlight] has been just great to work with,” continued Ms. Bowles. “They’re providing the Fleshlights at 1/2 off. They have a troop discount, but they doubled that for my campaign. Is America great or what?”

The Fleshlight campaign is due to end at the end of August and hopes to begin shipping the toys by Christmas time. The Department of Defense said it appreciates all donations, but had no comment on this particular activity.