
Female Cast as Next Incredible Hulk

In his typical bold, trend-setting movie making style, director Quentin Tarantino has announced that his new The Incredible Hulk will feature a woman in the starring role.

SNOPES.COM Forced to Debunk Film ‘Groundhog Day’

The popular debunking website which describes itself as having all "latest rumors, urban legends, myths and misinformation gathered together in one nifty list," was forced this week to demonstrate that the 1990s film Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray was in fact FALSE.

Now You Know Vol 3: We Exist as Psionic Wave Oscillations

Who are we? Where on the great journey will we be awakened? Throughout history, humans have been interacting with the galaxy via electromagnetic forces. Humankind has nothing to lose.

Passion of the Christ to be Made into a Lego Movie

Warner Brothers Entertainment announced that it plans on making a Lego version of the Passion of Jesus which will premiere in December 2017 shortly before Christmas.

Man to Write James Joycean Account of Nevada City

Roy Riffle recently announced to a small crowd of Millennials at an area coffee shop that he intended to write the town's equivalent of James Joyce's Ulysses.

Mattel Scraps Plans for Seeking Arrangement Barbie

Mattelâ„¢ Corporation announced this week that they were scrapping plans for a new "Seeking Arrangement Barbie" who uses her ravishing good looks and high sexual availability to attract the financial lavishments and amorous attentions of fiscally secure older men.

Confederate States of America: Ordinances and Causes of Secession

Often you will hear people in the Southern States proclaim that the American Civil War was not about slavery, but "State's Rights." Please note all the mentions of slavery in their own documents.

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