
Local Farmer Chortles at “Girl Scout Cookie” Creamer

Local Ridge farmer Thomas Kevlin giggled Friday at local the Grass Valley Grocery Outlet after discovering a Coffee-Mate Creamer called "Girl Scout Cookie."

The Fazzler Review: Boomtown Famous Lobster Buffet

Like all buffets in casinos, there is a great deal of fanfare before one reaches the restaurant, which is typically buried in a obscure location within the bowels of the building. I have to admit, I was excited seeing all of the billboards on my approach.

Health Nut News Facebook Page Bought by The Fazzler

Moments after being shut down for violating Facebook's community standards, the 92-year-old publication The Fazzler purchased the troubled page and planned to relaunch it as an orgonite and pro-beef industry re-education page.

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