
The Fazzler Review: Brunswick Basin’s Food is Crap

And that created a problem: what to do with a drained, formerly crap-filled lake? The answer was obvious. Fill it in with more crap like corporate stores, fast food joints and gasoline stations. Out with the old, and in with the same old shit.

Souplantation and Monsanto Team Up on Round-Up Ready Salad Bar

Early Saturday morning the agribusiness giant Monsanto and buffet-style salad bar chain Souplantation announced that they would be joining forces to produce the world's first Round-Up Ready salad bar.

Natural Breakthrough: Dandelions Cure Erectile Dysfunction

According Health Nut Erin, dandelions effect the blood oxygen absorption rate making the blood chambers in the penis larger to accept more blood. The findings came by accident after Erin conducted extensive research to help cure her husbands erectile dysfunction.

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