

Confederate States of America: Ordinances and Causes of Secession

Often you will hear people in the Southern States proclaim that the American Civil War was not about slavery, but "State's Rights." Please note all the mentions of slavery in their own documents.

Study: Minecraft Causes Autism

A 2 year study conducted by the Palo Alto, CA-based Rundex Family Foundation and sponsored by the Family Research Council (FRC) has determined that the popular childhood game Minecraft might cause Autism.

Commentary: Who Do I Have to Blow to Get A Meal Delivered in this Town?

I would happily pay a delivery charge-hell, I’d even tolerate a long wait time if it meant I didn’t have to put on pants, set down my Manhattan, drag my ass downtown, put out my cigarette, and talk to people. I shouldn’t have to talk to people to eat.

Dog in a Hot Summer Car? Here’s What to Do

The Fazzler offers these tips if you see a dog driving a car. Remember stay calm and follow these easy steps and everything will be fine.

How To Become a Libertarian in 15-ish Steps, by Loretta Splitair

Well, who doesn't love freedom? I know I do, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what the hell it is despite constant attempts by some very serious folks to define it for me.

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