Dirty Jobs Mike Rowe Files For Disability

The working person's hero Mike Rowe is filing for disability.
The working person’s hero Mike Rowe is filing for disability.

Baltimore, MD — Mike Rowe is beloved by many for his great insight on current events and on his television show Dirty Jobs, where he seeks out those jobs that many of us would not do. With his quick wit, he performs those jobs to remind Americans that it is OK to still work for a living.

But all of those jobs and mental stress has built up on Rowe, leaving him with a bad back and an attitude like many old codger’s have. Rowe has been forced to submit a claim for disability as he can no longer work anymore due to repetitive body stress.

Rowe gave this comment to The Fazzler about his pending disability claim.

“I’ve had my hand up a cow’s ass, been trampled by roaches, spit on by llama’s (assholes),bit by crabs and done more manual labor than most Americans do in a lifetime,” said Rowe. “Do you have any idea what that does to a guy? I’m done, joining the growing ranks of the dependents.”

Rowe’s own foundation Mike Rowe Works is distancing itself from him after his comments. They feel it will hurt funding and give the organization a “black eye.”

Rowe’s fans are shocked to say the least, many taking to social media to call out Rowe.

On Twitter Jedi420 writes: “What the hell yo? You cant narrate with a bad back? You whack yo!”

On Twitter Delilah7850 writes: “I’ve been on disability since I was 18 for obesity, just like my parents are. Leave Mike alone, he is only getting what he is owed from the government!”

There has been no word from Discovery Channel if Rowe, who narrates Discovery Channel’s Deadliest Catch as well as some nature programs will continue to do so.

Cleveland Sam
Cleveland Sam
Cleveland Sam, born Sam C. Sharpe, is a hero, a hero to anyone who knows him in Ohio. At the mere age of 7, he rescued a small girl from the clutches of a herd of llamas outside his boyhood home of Cleveland, OH. By the age of 12, he had already rescued over 14 children from near deaths ranging from freak ice cream truck accidents, to drownings in neighbors' Dough Boy Pools. But his heroism didn't stop at youth. No sir. As a teenager, he saved the entire cheerleading squad of his local high school from certain death with their "party van" caught fire during a local "rager." He writes for Gish Gallop because he feels he needs to rescue it. He's probably correct.

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