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Rydell High School — Daniel “Danny” Michael Zuko, also known as John Travolta has reported he’s “got chills, they’re multiplying” earlier this week to a select group of his friends at area diner Frosty Palace.

“I heard the whole thing, you know,” said the leader of the Pink Ladies Betty Rizzo recalling the event at the diner. “He was over in a booth being his usual loudmouth self, and he started complaining about losing control and something about electricity. Personally, I can’t stand the guy. And neither can anyone else, because after he said that, everyone ran out of the Palace.”

During summer vacation, Danny (Travolta) met and fell deeply in love with Sandy, a beautiful and sweet girl from Australia at the beach. When it was time for her to return home to Australia, he believed their relationship was only the beginning, but he doesn’t expect to see her again. Little did Danny know that Sandy was an asymptomatic carrier of the novel coronavirus.

According people close to Danny (Travolta), the greaser is doing well although he’s complaining about not being able to taste anything.