Tag: Trump

Tropical Plants Invade North Dakota

Several invasive species of plant life including ferns, bamboo, palm trees and several varieties of psychedelic mushrooms once only native to Maui have been founding on the once relatively barren semi-tundra plains.

How To Become a Libertarian in 15-ish Steps, by Loretta Splitair

Well, who doesn't love freedom? I know I do, but I'll be damned if I can figure out what the hell it is despite constant attempts by some very serious folks to define it for me.

Smokey Bear Decides To Start Packing Heat For All Future School Appearances

Bert DeVos, a member of a billionaire family that has spent hundreds of millions of dollars donating to Republican candidates over the years, told senators that she believes some schools may need to allow guns on their campuses because they live in wooded, rural areas and may need to fend of a bear attack.

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