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Los Angeles, CA — After years of industry speculation and rumor, American superstar rapper Tupac Shakur and renowned international terrorist Osama bin Laden have joined forces for the first time to create the world’s first cross-cultural rap album. The controversial partnership, which has been criticized by several Progressive watchdog groups as being “insensitive, boorish and possibly illegal,” has also met with great verve and excitement in what is currently an insufferable dearth of popular music.

The album entitled T.O. Knockout, is scheduled to be released in the Christmas time frame and will be produced by Los Angeles multi-instrumentalist “alt-rocker” Beck. The selection of Beck to oversee the creative effort took some insiders by surprise largely due to his penchant for experimentation and psychedelia. However supporters insist that it is his alternative approach, often involving merging several dissonant songs into one creation, is key to making this partnership work between two hard-headed artists.

“I enjoy the collaboration,” said Beck in a The Fazzler telephone interview.  “I always envied acts who got to have that interaction. I’ve done so many albums where I’ve been in the studio for 14 hours a day for six months just trying to come up with things on my own. It’s a nice change helping other people with their music and not being all about what I’m trying to do myself.”

Mr. Shakur and Mr. bin Laden could not be reached for comment. Beck offered another comment, but The Fazzler deemed it as superfluous.