Boise, ID — Tiny Homes magazine, the self-proclaimed leading publication on small living, has declared Unabomber Ted Kaczynski the “patron saint” and founder of the tiny house movement in its most recent issue. Since its founding in 2011, Tiny Homes has dedicated each October issue to what it calls “the innovators” in the field.
“Many of our readers have clamored for just this theme,” said Tiny Homes spokesperson Bethany Millbright speaking of its annual innovators’ issue. “Of course we’ve been reluctant for hopefully obvious reasons. But given Mr. Kaczynski’s recent parole, we felt enough time has passed that we can truly explore one of the titans of our movement. We think current and new readers will find his journey exciting and inspiring. We certainly did.”
Ted Kaczynski, also known as the “Unabomber,” was born on May 22, 1942, in Illinois. A mathematics prodigy, Kaczynski taught at the University of California at Berkeley before retreating to a survivalist lifestyle in the Montana woods, where he coined the phrase “Tiny House” in his manifesto, which was published 1996. He claimed that “tiny living was the only option for escaping the trappings of our technological nightmares,” and that “only by disconnecting from this horror” can we return to a “more primitive connection with being human.”
“I really feel for the guy,” said Ms. Dominguez recounting her prison interviews with Mr. Kaczynski. “He really wanted to make a difference in the world. A positive one, like all of us. At first, he was just going to do the ‘check out of society thing,’ but after a few years in isolation, he felt he needed to do more than just live in a tiny house. So he started blowing up scientists and researchers with pipe bombs. Those operations, he told me, exceeded his expectations. But he still felt lonely.”
The issue also covers what it takes to live in a remote tiny home location, and the influence his famous Manifesto had on the Tiny Home movement.
Previous October issues featured controversial topics as well. The October 2012 edition included Nevada City’s own Saihra Ramun who built portable tiny homes for the area’s homeless population. The edition discussed the initial success of the venture, however in December of that year the magazine had to issue a retraction after 3 homeless men were incinerated to death in what the Fire Marshall called, “portable fire coffins.” Ms. Ramun couldn’t be reached for comment, but supporters of the project called the deaths “fake news.”