
Yellowstone To Open Joe Rogan’s Darwin Adventures

The National Park Service, in conjunction with Bermuda-based vacation destination company BrightStar Adventures Limited has announced the nation's first "interactive wildlife petting zoo" nestled in West Yellowstone National Park.

Biden and Trump Agree to Debate at Fort Wayne Sizzler

In an unprecedented political move, Joe Biden and Donald Trump will hold their next debate at Fort Wayne's Sizzler, amidst the nostalgic décor of the 1970s. As Biden articulates his points, Trump, embodying the informal setting, casually reaches for a snack from the iconic salad bar—a visual metaphor for the unexpected and unconventional nature of this political showdown.

McDonald’s Bids Farewell to Epstein Island’s Last Golden Arches Amid Controversial Legacy

The McDonald’s on Epstein Island has shuttered its windows for good, marking the end of what the company now refers to as a "misguided adventure in international franchising." The closure comes amidst a whirlwind of controversy and a belated corporate acknowledgment that some locations, no matter how potentially profitable, are better left un-McTouched.

Origins of Funky Smell at Sacramento Goodwill Yet to Be Found

The unmistakable funk wafting through the aisles of a local Goodwill has left shoppers wrinkling their noses in disgust and curiosity. Despite a thorough investigation, the source of the smell remains as elusive as a bargain in peak thrifting season. Pantry to Offer Livestock announced late Friday afternoon that it planned to use its popular "Prime Pantry" service to start shipping Livestock directly to consumers.

How to Make Fucking Refried Beans, by Loretta Splitair

Your parenting guilt is easily fixed with the following recipe that not only your children will love, but it makes a kick-ass pot of refried beans.

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