
Area Psychic/Remote Viewer Sees Nothing Interesting

Area clairvoyant, spirit channeller and "remote viewer" Nico Mooney admitted to his friends this past week that he can indeed remote view phenomena all around the world, however what he sees is boring and uneventful.

Soul Kitchen Closes, Saying Penn Valley Not a Good Fit

Penn Valley's Angel's Soul Kitchen restaurant is apparently dead on arrival. The newly-opened 'Soul Kitchen' felt obliged to shut its doors after only 24 minutes of operation. There may be hope, however.

Area Cashier Not Fired for Licking Cantaloupe

SPD Grocery Store checkout clerk Megan Albright will not be terminated for "taste testing" customer Cantaloupes. Ms. Albright, who has worked for the highly-praised local grocery story for almost a year, has been using an unique method to test produce for freshness.

Chris Christie Closes Down Area Golden Corral

Christ Christie is back in the news today as reports came in from an area Golden Corral restaurant that the New Jersey governor had shut down the popular family-style buffet restaurant so he could dine in private.

Monsanto Patents Potential Cancer-killing Cannabis Strains

Monsanto, the world's largest supplier of genetically modified seeds and other genetically modified organisms announced this week at its annual stockholders meeting that it had developed a strain of medical marijuana that seems to stop and in some cases reverse some forms of cancer.

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